Next Step to Mediation

If you believe Mediation may be right for you, before your first appointment:

Although none of the following is required, in an effort to make the best use of your time and minimize your total fees, you may want to consider the following:
1) Before your first Mediation session, please print this list and gather as many of the required financial disclosures as you available.

Mandatory Financial Disclosures (Instructions and Explanations)

2) Before your first Mediation session, please print this financial affidavit and fill out as much as possible.

Financial Affidavit

3) Before your first Mediation session, please gather this list of documents which are required by the court to be exchange by each party (Colorado Rule fo Civil Procedure 16.2).

  • Sworn Financial Statement
  • Income Tax Returns (most recent 3 years)
  • Personal Financial Statements (last 3 years)
  • Business Financial Statements (last 3 years)
  • Real Estate Documents (Appraisal, Title, etc.)
  • Insurance Documentation
  • Investments
  • Employment Benefits
  • Retirement Plans Documentation
  • Bank/Financial Institution Accounts Records
  • Income Documentation (Pay Stubs, etc.)
  • Employment and Education – Related child Care Documentation
  • Personal Debt (Loans, CC, LOC, ect.)
  • Extraordinary Children’s Expense Documentation

4) In cases invovling children under the age of 19 years old, contact a “parenting after divorce” course provider and make a reservation for your class.

Parenting After Divorce Seminar Providers

JEFFERSON COUNTY – Special Rules for Parenting After Divorce Class

5) Finally, if children are involved, please review the Parenting after Divorce powerpoint presentation.

If you do not have PowerPoint, you can click here to use Open Office to view this presentation.