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Divorce Information for Adults

Between Love and Hate: A Guide to Civilized Divorce, Gold. New York, NY: Plenum Publishing. 1992.

(Divorce) Rights of Passage: A Guide Through the Emotional and Legal Realities, Gerald Alpem. Aspen, CO: Psychological Development Publications, 1982.

Friendly, Divorce Guidebook for Colorado, M. Arden Hauer and W. Wicher, Denver, CO: Bradford Publishing, 1984.

Getting Apart Together: The Couple’s Guide to a Fair Divorce or Separation, Martin A. Kranitz. San Louis: Compact Publishers, 1987.

Getting Divorced Without Ruining Your Life, Sam Margulies. New York, NY: Fireside Books, Simon and Schuster, 1992.

The Divorce Book, Matthew McKay, Peter D. Rogers, Joan Blades, and Richard Gosse. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 1984.

The Good Divorce: Keeping Your Family Together When Your Marriage Comes Apart, Constance R. Ahrons, Ph.D. New York, NY: Harper Collins, 1994.

Woman’s Guide to Divorce and Decision-Making: Supportive Workbook for Women Facing the Process of Divorce, Christina Robertson. New York, NY: Fireside Books, Simon and Schuster, 1988.

Books About Parenting and Divorce/Separation

101 Ways To Be A Long-Distance Super Dad, Newman. Mountain View, CA: Blossom Valley Press, 1984.

101 Ways To Be A Long Distance Super Dad – or Mom, Too! G. Newman. 1999.

At Daddy’s On Saturdays, Linda W. Girard. Morton Grove, IL: Albert, Whitman and Company, 1987.

Caught in the Middle: Protecting the Children of High-Conflict Divorce, Carla B. Garrity and Mitchell A. Baris. New York, NY: Lexington Books, Macmillan Publishing Co., 1994.

Children of Divorce: A Developmental Approach to Residence and Visitation, Mitchell A. Baris and Carla B. Garrity. DeKalb, IL: Psytek, 1988.

Co-Parenting After Divorce, D. Schulman, 1997.

Daddy’s Roommate, Michael Wilhoite. Boston, MA: Alyson Publications, 1991.

Divorce Book for Parents: Helping Your Children Cope With Divorce and its Aftermath, Vicki Lansky, New York, NY: New American Library, 1989.

Heather Has Two Mommies, Leslea Newman. Boston, MA: Alyson Publications, 1989.

Families Apart: Ten Keys to Successful Co-Parenting, Melinda Blau. New York, NY: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1994.

Live-Away Dads: Staying a Part of Your Children’s Lives When They Aren’t a Part of Your Home, W.C. Klatte, 1999.

Long Distance Parenting, Mariam Cohen. New American Library, 1989.

Mom’s House, Dad’s House, Isolina Ricci. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1997.

My Story, Jim and Joan Boulden. Beaverville CA: Boulden Publishing, 1991.

Parent vs. Parent: How You and Your Child Can Survive the Custody Battle, Stephen P. Herman, M.D., Pantheon, 1990.

Sharing the Children – How to Resolve Custody Problems and Get on With Your Life, Robert E. Adler and Chevy Chase, MD: Adler & Adler, Publications Inc. 1988.

Sharing Parenthood After Divorce: An Enlightened Custody Guide for Mothers, Fathers and Children, Ware. New York, NY: Viking Press, 1984.

Talking About Divorce and Separation: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child, Earl A. Grollman. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1975.

The Divorced Parent – Success Strategies for Raising Your Children After Separation, Stephanie Marston, New York: William Morrow and Company, 1995.

Whose Kid Is It Anyway? And 400 Other Questions For Divorcing, Dating and Remarried Families, Marcella M. Sabo, Rosana Gershman and Geraldine Lee Wasman, J.D., F.M. Astoria, OR: Next Step Publications, 1989.

Divorce/Separation – General Interest for Adults

Changing Families – A Guideline – Kids and Grownups, D. Fassler, M. Lash and S. Ives. Waterfront Brooks, 1988.

Creative Divorce, Mel Krantzler. New York, NY: New American Library, 1974.

Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide for Changing Families, Lauren and Marc Brown. Boston, MA: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1986.

Divorce Can Happen to the Nicest People. Peter Mayle. New York, NY: Harmony, 1988.

How To Survive the Loss of a Love, Melba Colgrove. Ph.D., Harold Bloomfield, M.D. and Peter McWilliams. New York: Bantam, 1981.

Like Lessons: 50 Things I Learned From My Divorce. Beth Joselow. New York, NY: Avon, 1994.

Rebuilding – When Your Relationship Ends, Bruce Fisher. San Luis Obispo, CA: Impact Publishers, 1982.

Second Chances: Men, Women and Children a Decade After Divorce, Judith Wallerstein and Sandra Blakeslee. New York, NY: Ticknor and Fields, 1990.

Divorce/Separation – General Interest for Children

A Divorce Dictionary: A Book for You and Your Children, Stuart Glass. Boston, MA: Little Brown, 1980. (Ages 7-12)

Daddy Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, Betty Boegehold. Racine, WI: Golden Books/Western Publishing Company, 1985. (Ages 5-7)

Daddy’s New Baby, Judith Vigna. Niles, IL: A. Whitman, 1982. (Picture Book)

Dinosaur’s Divorce, Laurence and Marc Brown. New York: LIHU Brow and Co., 1988.

Do I Have A Daddy? Jeanne W. Lindsey. Buena Park, CA: Morning Glory Press, 1982. (Ages 4-8)

How to Get It Together When Your Parents are Coming Apart, A. Richards and Willis. New York, NY: McKay Co., 1976.

I Have Two Families, Doris Helmering. Abingdon, 1981.

It’s Not the End of the World, Judy Blume. Scarsdale, NY: Bradbury Press, 1972. (Ages 12-15)

Sam Is My Half Brothers, Lizi Boyd. New York, NY: Viking, 1990.

What Am I Doing In a Stepfamily? Clair Berman. New York, NY: Carol Publishing Group, 1992.

Child Development/Parenting

Dr. Mom, M. Neifert, Ph.D.

Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood, William Pollack, 1999.

The New Father Book: What Every Man Needs to Know to Be a Good Dad, Wade Horn, 1998.

The Role of the Father in Child Development, M. Lamb. 1997.

Toddler Taming A Parents’ Guide to the First Four Years, Christopher Green, Ph.D. New York, NY: Fawcett Columbine, 1984.

Touchpoints: Your Child’s Emotional Behavioral Development, T. Berry Brazelton, M.D. Melo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1992.

Wisdom of Our Fathers: Inspiring Life Lessons from Men Who Have Time to Learn Them, J. Kita, 1999.

Your Baby and Child: From Birth to Age Five, Penelope Leach. New York, NY: A.A. Knopf, 1997.

Communication and Relationships

Angry All the Time: An Emergency Guide to Anger Control, R. Potter. 1994.

Dance of Anger, Harriet Lerner. New York, NY: Harper, 1989.

Getting to Yes – Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. Roger Fisher & William L. Ury. – New York: Viking Penguin, 1982.

Getting Together – Building a Relationship That Gets to Yes, Roger Fisher & Scott Brown. New York, NY: Viking Penguin, 1989.

Learning to Live Without Violence. Daniel J. Sonkin and Michael Durphy. Volcano, CA: Volcano Press., 1989.

You Can Negotiate Anything, Herb Cohen. Secaucus, NY: Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1980.

You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation, Deborah Tannen, New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 1990.

Win-Win Negotiations for Couples: A Personal Guide to Joint Decision-Making, Charlotte Whitney. Glouster, MA: Para Research, Inc., 1986.


Books for Navigating Your Legal and Psychological Divorce

Berry, Dawn Bradley. The Divorce Sourcebook: Protect Yourself With Must Know Information. 2006

Botwinick, Amy. Congratulations On Your Divorce: The Road To Finding Your Happily Ever After. 2005

Briles, Judith , Schilling, Edwin, & Wilson, Carol Ann. The Dollars and Sense of Divorce. 1998

Call, Carolyne. Spiritually Healthy Divorce: Navigating Disruption With Insight and Hope. 2010 (Call, an ordained minister, includes a structure for group sessions that can be used by faith-based groups.)

Cohen, Gabriel. Storms Can”t Hurt The Sky: A Buddhist Path Through Divorce. 2008

Colgrove, Melba, Bloomfield, Harold & McWilliams, Peter. How To Survive The Loss of A Love. 1993

de Ley, Gerd. Divorce, Get Over It! 2006 (humorous quotes)

Doskow, Emily. Nolo”s Essential Guide to Divorce. 2008

Elliott, Susan. Getting Past Your Breakup: How To Turn Devastating Loss Into The Best Thing That Ever Happened To You. 2009

Engel, Margorie. Divorce Help Sourcebook. 1994

Engel, Margorie. The Divorce Decisions Workbook: A Planning And Action Guide To The Practical Side Of Divorce. 1991

Fisher, Bruce. Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends. 3rd Edition, 2005

Fisher, Bruce. Rebuilding Workbook: When Your Relationship Ends. 2001

Ford, Debbie. Spiritual Divorce: Divorce as a Catalyst for an Extraordinary Life. 2001 & 2006 (Ford, a leader in self-help circles, uses tenets from Jungian psychology, 12-step programs, and A Course in Miracles.)

Frisbie, David & Lisa. Moving Forward After Divorce: Practical Steps To Healing Your Hurts, Finding Fresh Perspective, and Managing Your New Life. 2006. (Written for the Christian audience.) Friendly Divorce Mediation Training © 2011 Robin & Spofford All Rights Reserved Section 3 Page 96 of 268 Provided for informational purposes only and not as legal advice.

Gadoua, Susan Pease. Contemplating Divorce: A Step-by-Step Guide to Deciding Whether to Stay or Go. 2008

Gold, Lois. The Healthy Divorce: Keys To Ending Your Marriage While Preserving Your Emotional Well-Being. 2009 (Gold, a social worker and a past president of the National Academy of Family Mediators, mediates in Portland, OR.)

Hudson, Pat. You Can Get Over Divorce: The Seven-step Program to Speed Your Healing So That You Can Get On With The Rest of Your Life. 1998 (Hudson, a psychologist, uses stories to illustrate the seven steps of her program for moving from pain to restoration and getting over divorce.)

Jong, Erica. Megan”s Book of Divorce: A Kid”s Book for Adults. 1985

Kahn, Sandra. Leaving Him Behind: Cutting The Cord and Breaking Free After The Marriage Ends. 1990

Kingma, Daphne Rose. Coming Apart: Why Relationships End and How To Live Through The Ending Of Yours. 2000

Kirshenbaum, Mira. Too Good To Leave, Too Bad To Stay: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Decide Whether to Stay In or Get Out of Your Relationship. 1997

Kniskern, Joseph & Grissom, Steve. When The Vow Breaks: A Survival and Recovery Guide for Christians Facing Divorce. 2007

Krantzler, Mel. Creative Divorce: A New Opportunity For Personal Growth. 2002

Krantzler, Melvin & Belli, Mel. Divorcing. 1992 (Co-authored by a well-known therapist and a celebrity attorney.)

Lowrance, Michele. The Good Karma Divorce: Avoid Litigation, Turn Negative Emotions Into Positive Actions, and Get On with the Rest of Your Life. 2009

Manfred, Erica. He”s History, You”re Not : Surviving Divorce After 40. 2009.

Margulies, Sam. Getting Divorced Without Ruining Your Life: A Reasoned, Practical Guide to the Legal, Emotional and Financial Ins and Outs of Negotiating a Divorce. 2001

McWade, Micki . Getting Up, Getting Over, Getting On: A Twelve Step Guide to Divorce Recovery. 1999

Napolitano, Don. Divorce: Why Me? Why Not! 2010

Oberlin, Loriann . Surviving Separation and Divorce: A Woman”s Guide to Regaining control, Building strength and confidence, and Securing a financial future. 2nd Edition, 2005 Friendly Divorce Mediation Training © 2011 Robin & Spofford All Rights Reserved Section 3 Page 97 of 268 Provided for informational purposes only and not as legal advice.

Rooks, Linda. Broken Heart On Hold: Surviving Separation. 2006 (Christian)

Scorzafava, Tracy. Divorce 101: A Woman”s Guide To Divorce. 2004

Sember, Brette McWhorter. The Divorce Organizer Planner. 2004

Sharvit, Ethan. Survival and Beyond: A Man”s Guide to Divorce. 2008

Shenkman, Martin & Hamilton, Michael. Divorce Rules For Men: A Man to Man Guide for Managing Your Split and Saving Thousands. 2000

Smith, Gayle Rosenwald. Divorce and Money: Everything You Need To Know. 2004

Smoke, Jim. Growing Through Divorce. 1995 (Christian)

Snyder, Baucom, & Gordon. Getting Past the Affair: A Program to Help You Cope, Heal, and Move On – Together or Apart. 2007.

Stoner, Katherine. Divorce Without Court: A Guide to Mediation and Collaborative Divorce. 2009

Swallow, Wendy. Breaking Apart: A Memoir of Divorce. 2002

Temlock, Marsha. Your Child”s Divorce: What To Expect, What You Can Do. 2006 (A book for parent”s whose adult children are undergoing divorce.)

Trafford, Abigail. Crazy Time: Surviving Divorce and Building A New Life. 1992

Ventura, John & Reed, Mary. Divorce For Dummies. 2009

Webb, Stuart & Ousky, Ronald. The Collaborative Way to Divorce: The Revolutionary Method That Results in Less Stress, Lower Costs, and Happier Kids – Without Going to Court. 2007

Weintraub, Pamela & Hillman, Terry. The Complete Idiot”s Guide to Surviving Divorce. 3rd Edition, 2005.

West, Kari. When He Leaves: Help and Hope For Hurting Wives. 1998

Wild, Russell & Susan E. The Unofficial Guide To Getting A Divorce. 2nd Edition, 2005

Woodhouse, Violet. Divorce and Money: How to Make the Best Financial Decisions During Divorce. 2011 Friendly Divorce Mediation Training © 2011 Robin & Spofford All Rights Reserved Section 3 Page 98 of 268 Provided for informational purposes only and not as legal advice.

Books for Parents and Co-Parents

Ackerman, Marc. Does Wednesday Mean Mom”s House or Dad”s? Parenting Together While Living Apart. 2nd Edition 2008

Ahrons, Constance. The Good Divorce: Keeping Your Family Together When Your Marriage Comes Apart. 1995

Ahrons, Constance & Rodgers, Roy. Divorced Families: Meeting the Challenge of Divorce and Remarriage. 1989

Ashley, Steven. The Long-Distance Dad: How You Can Be There For Your Child – Whether Divorced, Deployed, or On-the-road. 2008

Bailey, Jack. The Parental Peace Accord. 2007

Bailey, Gary. Divorce For Dads: Making The Right Choices For Your Kids. (Written specifically for the South African market.) 2010

Banschick, Mark. The Intelligent Divorce: Because Your Kids Come First. 2010

Barr, Debbie. Caught in the Crossfire: Children of Divorce. 1986

Berger, Stuart. Divorce Without Victims. 1986

Beyer, Roberta. Speaking of Divorce: How to Talk with Your Kids and Help Them Cope. 2001

Bienenfeld, Florence. Helping Your Child Through Divorce. 1995

Blau, Melinda. Families Apart: Ten Keys to Successful Co-Parenting. 1995

Burrett, Jill & Green, Michael. Shared Parenting: Raising Your Child Cooperatively After Separation. 2009

Clapp, Genevieve. Divorce and New Beginnings: A Complete Guide to Recovery, Solo Parenting, Co-Parenting, and Stepfamilies. 2000

Cohen, Miriam . Long Distance Parenting: A Guide for Divorced Parents. 1991

Cohen, Miriam. The Joint Custody Handbook. 1991

Deutsch, Francine. Halving It All: How Equally Shared Parenting Works. 2000

Diamond, Susan A. Helping Children of Divorce: A Handbook for Parents and Teachers. 1986 Friendly Divorce Mediation Training © 2011 Robin & Spofford All Rights Reserved Section 3 Page 99 of 268 Provided for informational purposes only and not as legal advice.

Emery, Robert. The Truth About Children and Divorce: Dealing With The Emotions So You and Your Children Can Thrive. 2004

Everett, Craig & Sandra. Healthy Divorce: For Parents and Children: An Original, Clinically Proven Program for Working Through the Fourteen Stages of Separation, Divorce, and Remarriage. 1998

Favaro,Peter. Smart Parenting During and After Divorce: The Essential Guide to Making Divorce Easier on Your Child. 2008

Gardner, Richard A. The Parents” Book About Divorce. 1991 (Gardner is a child psychiatrist.)

Hannibal, Mary Ellen. Good Parenting Through Your Divorce: The Essential Guidebook To Helping Your Children Adjust and Thrive Based on the Leading National Program. 2006

Hansen, Deb. Broken Strings: Wisdom for Divorced and Separated Families. 2007 (Hansen is a writer and parenting educator.)

Johnson, Colleen. Ex- Familia : Grandparents , Parents and Children Adjust to Divorce. 1988

Jones- Soderman, Jill, Quattrocchi, Allison, & Steinberg, Sheila. How To Talk To Your Children About Divorce. 2006

Klumpp, Mike. The Single Dad”s Survival Guide: How To Succeed As A One-Man Parenting Team. 2003

Knox, David & Leggett, Kermit. The Divorced Dad”s Survival Book: How to Stay Connected with Your Kids. 2000

Lansky, Vicki. Divorce Book for Parents: Helping Your Children Cope With Divorce and Its Aftermath. 1996

Lapin, Renae. School Days and The Divorce Maze: A Complete Guide for Joint Custody Parents in Managing Your Child”s Successful School Career. 2008

Long, Nicholas & Forehand, Rex. Making Divorce Easier On Your Child: 50 Effective Ways To Help Children Adjust. 2002

Lowenstein, Liana. Creative Interventions For Children Of Divorce. 2006

Marquardt, Elizabeth. Between Two Worlds: The Inner Lives of Children of Divorce. 2006

Neuman, M. Gary. Helping Your Kids Cope With Divorce The Sandcastles Way. 1998 (Neuman,a couselor and rabbi, is the creator of Sandcastles TM – a 3.5 hour program, available in Miami and other cities, that encourages children to speak, draw, write and otherwise express their feelings about divorce. This book is for parents who dont have access to the program.) Friendly Divorce Mediation Training © 2011 Robin & Spofford All Rights Reserved Section 3 Page 100 of 268 Provided for informational purposes only and not as legal advice.

Newman, George. 101 Ways To Be A Long Distance Super- Dad or Mom, Too. 2006

Ricci, Isolina. Mom”s House, Dad”s House: Making Two Homes for Your Child. 1997.

Ross, Julie & Corcoran, Judy. Joint Custody With A Jerk: Raising A Child With An Uncooperative Ex. 1996

Schab, Lisa. The Divorce Workbook For Children: Help For Kids To Overcome Difficult Family Changes And Grow Up Happy. 2008 (Activities to teach kids to stay out of the middle, communicate their needs, and cope with stress and change.)

Schneider, Meg & Zuckerberg, Joan. Difficult Questions Kids Ask and Are Afraid to Ask About Divorce. 1996

Sedacca, Rosalind. How Do I Tell The Kids About The Divorce? A Create-A-Storybook Guide To Preparing Your Child – With Love! An e-book available at

Sommers-Flanagan, Elander, & Sommers-Flanagan. Don”t Divorce Us!: Kids Advice To Divorcing Parents. 2000

Stewart, Copeland, Chester, Malley, & Barenbaum. Separating Together: How Divorce Transforms Families. 1997

Teyber, Edward. Helping Children Cope With Divorce. 2001

Thayer, Elizabeth & Zimmerman, Jeffrey. The Co-Parenting Survival Guide: Letting Go of Conflict After A Difficult Divorce. 2001

Thomas, Shirley. Parents Are Forever: A Step-by-step Guide to Becoming Successful Co-parents After Divorce. 2004

Turner, Kristine. New Beginnings for Divorcing Parents – Co-Parenting Divorce Workbook. 2010

Turner, Kristine. Mommy and Daddy Are Getting Divorced: Helping Children Cope With Divorce. 2010 (A read-along-with-your-children book)

Vachon, Marc & Amy. Equally Shared Parenting: Rewriting the Rules for a New Generation of Parents. 2010

Virtue, Doreen. My Kids Don”t Live With Me Anymore: Coping With The Custody Crisis. 1988

Wallerstein, Judith & Kelly, Joan. Surviving the Breakup: How Children and Parents Cope with Divorce. 1996 Friendly Divorce Mediation Training © 2011 Robin & Spofford All Rights Reserved Section 3 Page 101 of 268 Provided for informational purposes only and not as legal advice.

Wallerstein, Judith & Blakeslee, Sandra. Second Chances: Men, Women & Children A Decade After Divorce: Who Wins, Who Loses – And Why. 2004

Wallerstein, Judith, Lewis, Julia & Blakeslee, Sandra. The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: A 25 Year Landmark Study. 2001

Wallerstein, Judith. What About The Kids? Raising Your Children Before, During, and After Divorce. 2004

Walther, Anne. Divorce Hangover: A Successful Strategy to End the Emotional Aftermath of Divorce. 2000

Walther, Anne. Not Damaged Goods: A Successful Strategy for Children of Divorce From Infancy to Adulthood. 2001

Warshak, Richard. Divorce Poison: How to Protect Your Family from Bad-mouthing and Brainwashing. 2010 (Dr Warshak has also created a DVD designed to help children and teens see family issues from another perspective and so avoid parental alienation and taking sides. The DVD is available at

Wassil-Grimm, Claudette. Where”s Daddy? How Divorced, Single and Widowed Mothers Can Provide What”s Missing When Dad”s Missing. 1994

Wolf, Anthony. Why Did You Have To Get A Divorce? And When Can I Get A Hamster? A Guide To Parenting Through Divorce. 1998

Books for Adult Children of Divorce

Abbas, Jen. Generation Ex: Adult Children of Divorce and the Healing of Our Pain. 2004 (Written for the faith based community.)

Ahrons, Constance. We”re Still Family: What Grown Children Have to Say About Their Parents” Divorce. 2005

Fintushel, Noelle & Hillard, Nancy. A Grief Out of Season: When Your Parents Divorce in Your Adult Years. 1991

Foster, Brooke Lea. The Way They Were: Dealing with Your Parents” Divorce After a Lifetime of Marriage. 2006

Piorkowski, Geraldine. Adult Children of Divorce: Confused Love Seekers. 2008

Sandvig, Karen Stockdale. Adult Children of Divorce: Haunting Problems and Healthy Solutions. 1990 Friendly Divorce Mediation Training © 2011 Robin & Spofford All Rights Reserved Section 3 Page 102 of 268 Provided for informational purposes only and not as legal advice.

Staal, Stephanie. The Love They Lost: Living with the Legacy of Our Parents” Divorce. 2001 (Stories of 120 “Generation Ex-” adults who grew up divorced and are now adults longing for intimacy and connection, but fearing commitment and expecting failure, abandonment, and hurt.)

Zimmerman, Jeffrey & Thayer, Elizabeth. Adult Children of Divorce: How to Overcome the Legacy of Your Parents” Break-up and Enjoy Love, Trust, and Intimacy. 2003 (For adults whose parents divorced when they were children.)


Andre, Katherine & Baker, Amy. I Don”t Want To Choose: How Middle School Kids Can Avoid Choosing One Parent Over The Other. 2009

Angell, Judi. What”s Best For You? (Fiction – Three children try to adjust to a new life after their parents divorce.) 1990

Bolick, Nancy O”Keefe. How To Survive Your Parents Divorce. 1995

Bonkowski, Sara. Teens Are Nondivoceable: A Workbook for Divorced Parents and Their Children: Ages 12-18. 1990

Cassella-Kapusinski, Lynn. Now What Do I Do? A Guide to Help Teenagers with Their Parents”s Separation or Divorce. 2006

Danzinger, Paula. The Divorce Express. 2007 (Fiction)

Ford, Melanie, Steven, Annie & Jann. My Parents Are Divorced: A Book For Kids, By Kids. 2006

Kimball, Gayle. How To Survive Your Parents” Divorce: Kids Advice To Kids. 1994

Klein, Norma. Taking Sides. 1982 (Fiction. A 12 year old adjusts to life with her father and five year old brother after her parent”s divorce.)

Krementz, Jill. How It Feels When Parents Divorce. 1988 (Photographs and essays of 19 children/teens present their feelings about their parents” divorce.)

List, Julie. The Day the Loving Stopped: A Daughter”s View Of Her Parent”s Divorce . 1986 (Fiction)

Mann, Peggy. My Dad Lives in a Downtown Hotel. 1973 (Fiction. A boy believes he is responsible for his parent”s divorce.)

Oppenheimer, Joan. Gardine vs. Hanover. 1982 (Fiction. Teenage step-sisters and their feud.) Friendly Divorce Mediation Training © 2011 Robin & Spofford All Rights Reserved Section 3 Page 103 of 268 Provided for informational purposes only and not as legal advice.

Ricci, Isolina . Mom”s House, Dad”s House for Kids. 2006

Richards, Arlene & Willis, Irene. How to Get It Together When Your Parents Are Coming Apart. 1986 (Coping with the stress and confusion of both the legal and emotional divorce.)

Rofes, Eric. The Kid”s Book of Divorce: By, For, And About Kids. 1981 (11-14 year olds write about their feelings and experiences of divorce.)

Schab, Lisa. The Divorce Workbook For Teens: Activities To Help You Move Beyond The Breakup. 2008

Stern, Zoe & Evan. Divorce Is Not the End of the World: Zoe”s and Evan”s Coping Guide for Kids. 2008 (get the 2008 revised edition)

Tyler, Anne. Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant. 1998 (Fiction. A dysfunctional family)

Wood, Phyllis. Win Me And You Lose. 2008 (Fiction. Divorce themes mix with a teen romance and mystery)

BOOKS for KIDS – Age 8-12

Bonkowski, Sara. Kids are Nondivoceable: A Workbook for Divorced Parents and Their Children. 1987

Byars, Betsy. The Animal, The Vegetable, And John D. Jones. 1983 (Fiction. Two sisters look negatively upon a beach vacation with their father, his woman friend, and her son.)

Cleary, Beverly. Dear Mr. Henshaw. 1983 (Fiction)

Cruise, Robin. The Top Secret Journal of Fiona Claire Jardin. 1998 (Fiction)

Danzinger, Paula. Amber Brown Sees Red. 1998/2009 (Fiction)

Gardner, Richard A. The Boy”s and Girl”s Book About Divorce. 1985

Gardner, Richard A. The Boy”s and Girl”s Book About Stepfamilies. 1985

Giff, Patricia. Rat Teeth. 1990. (Fiction)

Glass, Stuart. A Divorce Dictionary: A Book for You and Your Children. (Uses anecdotes to explain legal terms.)

Grollman, Earl. Talking About Divorce and Separation: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child. 2005 (Written by a Rabbi. Read together.)

Harris, Scott & Sherman, Richard. Divorcing With Kids: An Interactive Workbook for Parents and Their Children. 2007

Holyoke, Nancy & Nash, Scott. A Smart Girl”s Guide to Her Parents” Divorce: How to Land On Your Feet When Your World Turns Upside Down. 2009

Hunter, Evan. Me and Mr. Stenner. 1976 (Fiction. An 11 year old learns she can love her father and stepfather at the same time.)

Ivery, Martha. Pickles and Peanuts. 1996 (Fiction. A 12 year old girl experiencing the separation of her parents has a renewed relationship with her mother whom she holds responsible for the break-up. Peanuts is the girl, Pickles is a dog.)

Jukes, Mavis. Like Jake And Me. 2005 (Fiction. About a boy and his step-father.)

Krementz, Jill. How It Feels When Parents Divorce. 1988 (Photographs and essays of 19 children/teens presenting their feelings about their parents” divorce.)

LeShan, Eda. What”s Going To Happen To Me? When Parents Separate or Divorce. 1986 (Answers questions about divorce in simple language.)

Mayle, Peter. Why Are We Getting A Divorce? 1988 (Illustrated)

Nickman, Steven. When Mom And Dad Divorce. 1987 (Fictional accounts highlighting divorce issues.)

Nightingale, Lois. My Parents Still Love Me Even Though They”re Getting Divorced: An Interactive Tale For Children. 1997 (Combines story and activities to foster conversation.)

Park, Barbara. Don”t Make Me Smile. 2002 (Fiction. A boy”s adjustment to his parents” divorce.)

Prokop, Michael. Divorce Happens To The Nicest Kids: A Self-help Book For Kids. 1996

Ricci, Isolina. Mom”s House, Dad”s House for Kids. 2006.

Seuling, Barbara. What Kind of Family Is This? A Book About Step-families? 1985 (Illustrated)

Snyder, Zilpha. The Headless Cupid. 1999 (Fiction. Step-sister is a witch.)

Thomas, Shirley & Rankin, Dorothy. Divorced But Still My Parents: A Helping Book About Divorce For Children and Parents. 1997 (with workbook activities for ages 6-12)

Winchester, Kent & Beyer, Roberta. What In The World Do You Do When Your Parents Divorce? A Survival Guide For Kids. 2001

BOOKS for KIDS – Age 7 and under

Abney, Joseph. Anaiya Lives with Daddy; Anaiya Visits Mommy. 2009 (contains a code redeemable for a free download of the audio version of the book.)

Bienenfeld, Florence. My Mom and Dad Are Getting A Divorce. 2002

Boegehold, Betty. Daddy Doesn”t Live Here Anymore. 1985

Brown, Laurene & Marc. Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide For Changing Families. 1986

Christiansen, CB. My Mother”s House, My Father”s House. 1990

Girard, Linda. At Daddy”s On Saturdays. 1991

Ives, Sally. The Divorce Workbook: Guide For Kids and Families. 1985

Johnson, Janet (and others). Through The Eyes of Children: Healing Stories for Children of Divorce. 1997

Klutts, Shanna. Daddy Doesn”t Live Here Anymore. 2010

Lansky, Vicki. It”s Not Your Fault Koko Bear: A Read-Together Book for Parents and Young Children During Divorce. 1998

Levins, Sandra. Was It The Chocolate Pudding? A Story For Little Kids About Divorce. 2005

Masurel, Claire. Two Homes. 2003

Menendez-Aponte, Emily. When Mom and Dad Divorce: An Elf Help Book For Kids. 1999

Monroe, Robin. Why Don”t We Live Together Anymore? Understanding Divorce. 1998 (Christian)

Padoan, Gianni. Break-Up: Facing Up To Divorce. 1990

Perry & Lynch. Mommy And Daddy Are Getting Divorced. 1985

Rogers, Fred. Let”s Talk About It: Divorce. 1998

Schmitz, Tamara. Standing On My Own Two Feet: A Child”s Affirmation of Love In The Midst of Divorce. 2008

Seuling, Barbara. What Kind of Family Is This? A Book About Stepfamilies? 1985 (Illustrated)

Simon, Norma. All Families Are Special. 2003 Friendly Divorce Mediation Training © 2011 Robin & Spofford All Rights Reserved Section 3 Page 106 of 268 Provided for informational purposes only and not as legal advice.

Stinson, Kathy & Oelofsen, Vian. Mom and Dad Don”t Live Together Anymore. 2007

Thomas, Pat. My Family”s Changing: A First Look At Family Break-Up. 1999

Vigna, Judith. I Live With Daddy. 1997

Weninger, Brigitte. Good-Bye Daddy! 1997

(All can be found at or