Category Archives: Parental Responsibilities

FIVE MOVIES to watch while going through divorce

Even the most most amicable divorces stir up strong emotions, especially when there are kids involved. A professional divorce mediator can often help the parties deal with both the legal aspects and the emotional aspects of going through the divorce process. However, sometimes there is nothing more theraputic and a night with a good movie…

Free coparenting online software

Divorcing parents know how difficult it is to keep up with ever changing schedules, information updates, and the never ending change of plans of your children.  Co-Families, a software company in Colorado Springs has launch a FREE software that allows parents on-line information exchange and calender coordination without any large learning curve.  The software allows…

Relocating Pre- Divorce

In making the initial determination of parental responsibilities under a divorce case or a parental responsibility case, the court is without authority to order a parent to live in any particular location. Rather, the court must accept the place where each parent chooses or intends to live, and then make an allocation of parental responsibilities based…

Parenting Time Travel Expenses

Travel expenses in certain situations may be divided or awarded.  Contact Divorce Help Center mediators to discuss your case.  However, those expenses must be the cost of transporting the CHILD, not the costs of transporting the parent.  C.R.S. 14-10-115(11)(a)(II) specifically allows for division of the costs of transporting the children OR the costs of transporting…