Category Archives: debts

Divorce Checklist

Before you hire a mediator for your divorce in Colorado, you should consider the following: 1) Gather investments and bank statements for at least the last year. 2) Copy tax returns for income and investment history. 3) Pull your credit report to review your debt history and status. 4) Open an individual bank account. 5)…

7 Reasons to Mediate

7 Reasons to Consider Mediation: Save Money – When working with Scott Baroway, you get a professional family law mediator who has over 25 years of legal experience, who is available to talk with you both, respond to your emails, and prepare all your documents usually for less than most individual lawyers charge for their…

Why mediation fails.

Why Divorce Mediation Fails. Despite all the advantages of mediation, my experience has shown there are three main reasons why the mediation process fails in a divorce case. If you aware of them and can avoid these pitfalls ahead of time, your mediation stands an extremely high chance of being successful. Secret keeping – Something…