Category Archives: Divorce process

Difficult Conversations – pt 2.

Making that difficult conversation about your marriage and/or divorce successful is usually one of degrees. Nothing about the conversation is going to be pleasant, but it can have a measured degree of success based upon how you are and what you say. How you are refers to your ability to stay on task, focused toward…

Melting Pot Families

Blended families are a natural melting pot and direct product of divorce. Stepchildren, half siblings, and step siblings are all part of divorce, and it furthers the “melting pot” that has so often described America. The grafting together of separate families after divorce exposes the players to new experiences, personalities, and situations that would never…

Temporary Spousal Support Standard

Temporary Maintenance/Spousal Support in a divorce case is for the period of time between the filing of the case and the court approving the final permanent orders. C.R.S. 14-10-114(2)(b)(I)(A) creates a presumption of temporary spousal support in cases where the parties COMBINED INCOMEs are less than $75,000 a year. In this situation, the amount of…