Category Archives: Divorce process

Insurance – Understanding the Basics – Part 1

Understanding the basics of various insurance policies is important when going through the divorce process. As you have probably had joint policies on everything with your spouse, after the divorce, new insurance will almost certainly be required. So here is some information about the basic types of policies you should understand. Auto: This insurance covers…

Testimonials support Mediation

We believe that divorce mediation is the best way to approach any divorce situation. Whether for a full divorce or post decree modification, consider mediation. Even if you do not have any agreements and know nothing about the system, you can trust us to make your experience as painless as possible. Here is what three…

Court wrong place for Divorce

Hennepin County Family Court Judge Bruce Peterson of Minneapolis wrote an editorial for the Minneapolis Star Tribune, wherein he indicated that it was “time, perhaps, to get courts out of divorce.” Judge Peterson stated recently that “the current system of family law may be beyond improvement.” He also stated, β€œit is amazing to me that…

Divorce Fitness

DIVORCE FITNESS While going through divorce, or any other emotional trauma, the best thing you can do for yourself is to incorporate a little fitness into your life every day. The pumping of blood through your system with the cleansing sweat will help flush out the toxins that are giving you that depressed feeling. There…

Spring Back After Divorce

SPRING BACK AFTER DIVORCE Now that spring has arrived and you have survived the terrible 4 (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Valentines Day), it is time for the new you. I’ve been in your shoes and nothing makes you come feel alive again a new attitude. Easier said than done, I know. But here are…

Why mediation fails.

Why Divorce Mediation Fails. Despite all the advantages of mediation, my experience has shown there are three main reasons why the mediation process fails in a divorce case. If you aware of them and can avoid these pitfalls ahead of time, your mediation stands an extremely high chance of being successful. Secret keeping – Something…