Category Archives: Assets

Insurance – Understanding the Basics – Part 1

Understanding the basics of various insurance policies is important when going through the divorce process. As you have probably had joint policies on everything with your spouse, after the divorce, new insurance will almost certainly be required. So here is some information about the basic types of policies you should understand. Auto: This insurance covers…

Why mediation fails.

Why Divorce Mediation Fails. Despite all the advantages of mediation, my experience has shown there are three main reasons why the mediation process fails in a divorce case. If you aware of them and can avoid these pitfalls ahead of time, your mediation stands an extremely high chance of being successful. Secret keeping – Something…

FIVE MOVIES to watch while going through divorce

Even the most most amicable divorces stir up strong emotions, especially when there are kids involved. A professional divorce mediator can often help the parties deal with both the legal aspects and the emotional aspects of going through the divorce process. However, sometimes there is nothing more theraputic and a night with a good movie…

Military Disablity pay

The parties’ marriage was dissolved in 2005. Their separation agreement, which was incorporated into the decree, provided that husband’s military retirement benefits were marital property and would be divided, on his retirement, under the Hunt–Gallo formula. [See In re Marriage of Hunt, 909 P.2d 525 (Colo. 1995).]The agreement further provided that the parties intended to…