Denver Divorce Lawyer

Uncontested Divorces in Denver, Colorado

There are two types of divorce that spouses can file for – contested divorce and uncontested divorce.  Despite which type you are planning to file for, it is always important to involve legal representation at your soonest convenience.  Even in a simple, uncontested divorce, problems and complex legal issues arise that require the help of a seasoned and compassionate Denver divorce attorney to mediate and resolve.  With the help of a mediator, you may find each and every issue that arises, no matter how large or small, will be successfully and peacefully resolved in a timely manner.

In numerous studies, it has been shown that couples filing for a divorce who choose the path of mediation are more mutually satisfied with the terms that have been agreed upon rather than imposed by a judge in a public family court.  Our Denver divorce lawyer at the office will work with both you and your partner to bring about an agreeable resolution for all areas of the divorce, including the following:

Contact a Denver Divorce Attorney

Whether you are stuck on a child support related issue, or you are seeking an order of protection, our divorce lawyers are here to help.  Starting as a Denver law firm back in 1987, we soon became a mediation partnership due to the poor treatment we kept seeing of our clients in family court.  We have helped hundreds of couples reach reasonable resolutions with their divorce issues and we may be able to help you too!

To learn more about the services that we provide, call our office at 888-848-1795 or visit our divorce mediation blog!  We are here to help you find a peaceful resolution, and we do not rest until we know that our clients’ are satisfied and their rights have been protected.