Category Archives: Children

Pension Plan Contributions Not Gross Income

Gross income is number that must be determined for each parent as a starting point for purposed of computing child support. Colorado Revised Statutes attempt to define what revenue to each party is considered and excluded from gross income in divorce and support calculations. For example, interest and dividends are specifically included in income, even if they…

Changes to Child Support Calculations

The Colorado legislature periodically makes changes to the child support guidelines and the methods of calculation for divorcing parties, partners who co-parent children after separation.  If you previously had a divorce decree and support order entered and are now seeking modification of the previous order, you should contact a professional divorce  mediator at Divorce Help Center to…

Parenting Time Travel Expenses

Travel expenses in certain situations may be divided or awarded.  Contact Divorce Help Center mediators to discuss your case.  However, those expenses must be the cost of transporting the CHILD, not the costs of transporting the parent.  C.R.S. 14-10-115(11)(a)(II) specifically allows for division of the costs of transporting the children OR the costs of transporting…

Income Deductions for Child Support

Child support obligations are determined by applying the statutory guidelines in C.R.S. 14-10-115(7) to the parents combined adjusted gross income. “Gross Income” includes income from any source.  However their income may be adjusted by deducting preexising child support obligations and alimony or maintenance actually paid by the parent.   Deductions are not allowed for things such as…

Child Support Deviation

The child support guidelines must be followed unless there is a valid and legal reason for deviation from the presumtive child support calculation.  Contact a Colorado Divorce Mediator to discuss the particular facts of your case.  Although there are many valid reasons to deviate from the child support guidelines, reduction for puposes of qualifying one…

Parenting time disputes require mediation

Colorado law states that disputes regarding parenting time should be referred to mediation if the parties cannot resolve their disagreement.  Contact a Colorado Divorce mediation attorney to discuss your matter further.  Under C.R.S. 14-10-129.5, if a party files a motion concerning non-compliance with a previous parenting time order, the Court shall deteremine within 30 days of…

Overnights appropriate with gay parent

Where the trial court made no finding that father’s conduct in his homosexual lifestyle endangered the child or impaired the child’s emotional development, father could not be precluded from having overnight guests during his parenting time or taking the child to a church whose members were predominately gay. Contact a Denver Divorce Mediator to discuss…