Lakewood Divorce Mediation Lawyer

Lakewood – Belmar

355 S. Teller, Suite 200

Lakewood, CO 80226


1767 Denver West Blvd, Suite A
Golden, CO 80401
(NW of I-70 on Denver West Blvd.)

Divorce is never easy, and it can be financially devastating as well, when each party retains an attorney and litigates the issues. Mediation is a low cost, less stress alternative to litigation.

In mediation, the divorcing couple sits down with a neutral party, the Mediator, and works together to reach an agreement on all aspects of the divorce, including asset division, parental responsibilities, child support, parenting plan and spousal support.

Having helped couples navigate the legal maze since 1987, our Mediator has legal knowledge and experience to help you work toward an amicable agreement on all aspects of your divorce. Your active roll in the decision making process results in much higher satisfaction and less anger and bitterness toward your spouse, which leaves you and your children happier in the end. This also results in significantly lower legal fees, protecting your financial security as well.

Whether you have a 6 month marriage or a 50 year marriage, children or no children, many assets or very little assets, the mediator will work with both of you to reach a fair and equitable agreement without the high cost or hassle of litigation.

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