Aurora Divorce Mediation Lawyer

Divorce Mediation in Aurora, Colorado

If you or someone you know has decided on divorce, a low-cost low-stress alternative to divorce litigation is divorce mediation. An Aurora Divorce Mediation attorney at our law firm can assist you in mediating the issues that you need to resolve between you and your spouse to finalize the marriage dissolution. Mediation Partners & Divorce Help Center has been helping couples quickly and efficiently finalize their divorces since 1987. An Aurora Divorce Mediation lawyer at our office has the experience, skill, and knowledge you need to get through the difficult divorce process.

Divorce by litigation can be a painful experience, leaving the divorcing parties feeling bitter, abused, and angry. Hiring two separate attorneys to engage in a long, time-consuming battle in the courts can lead to runaway legal costs and empty pocketbooks.

The mental, emotional, and financial duress of this type of divorce takes it toll on the entire family, including any children involved.

The alternative to an expensive and stressful divorce is divorce mediation. An Aurora divorce mediation attorney will act as a neutral party as you and your spouse sit down in a private setting to work out an agreement about all your divorce issues, including spousal support, child support, parental responsibilities, and the division of assets. An Aurora divorce mediation lawyer at our firm will give both you and your spouse the information and guidance you need to reach practical and equitable decisions, based on Colorado divorce law and divorce tax consequences.

Divorce is painful and stressful enough without adding the extra burden of legal warfare between spouses. Divorce mediation is an intelligent and practical solution to making your divorce as easy and painless as is humanly possible.

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For a free initial consultation about your divorce mediation, contact an Aurora divorce mediation attorney at our firm today!