Successful Mediation

Everyone wants their divorce mediation to be successful.  A good first step is to set your emotional mindset toward a bright future.  Your objective is find a resolution that allows you to move on in life and if you come into the mediaiton with good intentions, you will find a settlement that allows you to close that chapter of your life, and open the positive one thats ahead.

That does not mean that you have to arrive without conflict over issues. Conflict is expected by your mediator.  If there was no conflict, you would probably not be in this position.  However if you have the positive intention for the mediation process to be a peaceful experience, and commit to keep working with the mediator toward finding a resolution, your mediation should be a positive experience with a successful outcome.

To have a successful mindset you should consider the following:
1) Forget wishing for the perfect outcome.  Compromise will be necessary.
2) Forgive shortcomings of the other party.
3) Accept responsibility for part of the disagreements.  You are not “at fault” for the disagreements, but accept that you are partially responsibile for them.  There is nothing wrong with this.
4) Take the high road and know you can only change yourself.

Positive attitude is the key to a successful divorce mediation.