Parenting Time Travel Expenses

Travel expenses in certain situations may be divided or awarded.  Contact Divorce Help Center mediators to discuss your case.  However, those expenses must be the cost of transporting the CHILD, not the costs of transporting the parent.  C.R.S. 14-10-115(11)(a)(II) specifically allows for division of the costs of transporting the children OR the costs of transporting the child and a parent IF the child is under twelve years of age.  If this situation applies, then the costs shall be divided in proportion to the each parties relative income.  However, there is not similar language relating the transportation costs of a parent alone, such as when an out of state parent comes for a visit.  Therefore, the Court of Appeals held that without an expressed statutory basis for awarding such costs, a trial court without authority to do so and may not consider those costs in their analysis.   If you have questions about your particular situation, contact us at your convenience.