Parenting Coaching

Parenting after divorce is very difficult. You and your children are exposed to stresses and anxieties that you have often never experienced before. A profession parening coach by be able to help both you and your co-parent deal with common and not so common behavioral issues that have arisen since your divorce.

One effective parenting coach in the Denver metro area is Lorna Benton. Utilizing years of experience, she works with parents over the phone to help them find a realistic and pratical approach to meeting the challenges of raising their children after divorce, and helps them find effective and enjoyable ways to relate to their children, regardless of age. Her process also helps them reach the ultimate goal as a parent, to raise responsible children who grow up to have happy, productive, and meaningful lives as adults.

Utilizing STEP® participants work together in small discussion groups. Parents become actively involved in discussing common concerns and learning specific child-training ideas and skills.

The seven STEP® sessions consider these topics:
1. Understanding Yourself and Your Child
2. Understanding Beliefs and Feelings
3. Encouraging Your Child and Yourself
4. Listening and Talking to Your Child
5. Helping Children Cooperate
6. Discipline That Makes Sense
7. Choosing Your Approach”

If you and your ex are having issues about parenting your children after divorce, profssional assistance is worth considering. You can learn more about Lorna and her program at