Fathers Should Stay Invovled – Pt 1

After divorce, it is important for a father’s to stay involved with their children. Continued involvement with the children creates secure attachment. Secure attachment is a bond between parent and child characterized by parenting that is warm, sensitive, dependable, and flexibly responsive. The child who is securely attached knows that the parent is available when it counts.

Development of Secure Attachment is very important for a child’s development. Research consistently shows that a securely attached child shows improved IQ scores, increased self-esteem and self-confidence, are well liked by their peers, show enhanced empathy toward others, and are more likely to form healthy, secure, and supportive relationships as adults.

So, why do children need their fathers? All children benefit from both the additional caring of both parents, and a variety of caring styles when both mom and dad stay involved. Studies have shown that infants with involved fathers tend to score higher on tests of thinking skills and brain development.

Additionally, as babies grow older, they actually come to prefer playing with their fathers who provide unpredictable, stimulating, and exciting interaction. Such play fosters social, emotional, and intellectual development.

Primary school children consistently score higher on tests of empathy if they have had secure attachments to their fathers during infancy. This has been demonstrated through their ability to recognize how other children felt and took steps to make them feel better.

Children who have fathers who stay emotionally involved score higher on tests of emotional intelligence. They also tend to have better relationships with other children and behave less aggressively.

You can learn more at: FATHERS MATTER: Relationship-Focused Parenting for Men.(A six-week support and psychoeducation group for men who want to improve parenting skills and to form positive, flexible, and secure relationships with their children www.fathersalwaysmatter.com )