Divorce Mediation Humor

Divorce is a difficult time and process for even the most amicable dissolutions. On the list of traumatic events in a lifetime, it is in the top 5 on almost every list ever created. So, if mediation can help minimize the stress of divorce, humor can only help more. Here are few that, as all…

Managing Divorce Anger

Thedivorce process is extremely stressful and emotional even in the easist cases. The anger between the parties is normal, but can become extremely destructive and cause significant permanent damage to both parties. If you are on the receiving end, it will drive you nuts. A couple of tips from professionals can make the jourrney through…

Free coparenting online software

Divorcing parents know how difficult it is to keep up with ever changing schedules, information updates, and the never ending change of plans of your children.  Co-Families, a software company in Colorado Springs has launch a FREE software that allows parents on-line information exchange and calender coordination without any large learning curve.  The software allows…

Relocating Pre- Divorce

In making the initial determination of parental responsibilities under a divorce case or a parental responsibility case, the court is without authority to order a parent to live in any particular location. Rather, the court must accept the place where each parent chooses or intends to live, and then make an allocation of parental responsibilities based…

Car Repairs can be Extraordinary Expenses

Additional extraordinary expenses may be added pro-rata to a parent’s child support obligation in a Colorado Divorce.  In this age of extensive cutbacks by school districts, a situation could arise where a minor child is attending a school by agreement of the parties, or one that meets the child’s special needs, and which requires special…