Anxiety and Divorce

Divorce: A Major Life Change that Can Cause Anxiety: By Ryan Rivera

When something threatens the stability of one’s marriage, it’s natural to fight it. However, there are moments when fighting is not an option. Sometimes, it’s better to just stop and let go. This is what most married couples do. They let go. They divorce.
Statistics shows that the worldwide divorce rate is increasing. It increases as a nation progresses. One example is the United States. Fifty percent of marriages in the US end up in divorce. It’s fairly common. But what is common doesn’t make the emotions involved in the process easier to deal with. An institution is broken. With divorce comes a barrage of financial and psychological dilemmas. For someone who is not emotionally, physically, and psychologically strong, such life change is devastating.
In the early stages of divorce, you’ll be experiencing a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Feeling anxious is natural and understandable. It’s your way of dealing with the stressful situation. It makes you aware of the changes that are about to take place and prepares you to deal and plan for them. But what if it’s just too much to take? What if the supposed natural feelings of anxiety as you through divorce are becoming out of control? What if it’s no longer normal?
When do you know or when to tell if the level of anxiety experienced after divorce is no longer healthy? If your actions are becoming unreasonable, if your feelings are stopping you from moving on, if your thoughts hinder you from doing your daily routine, if you no longer see the beauty of life, and if you are no longer productive, then you should be concerned. You should start doing something to change this path that you’re in before your anxiety takes over your life.
How to deal with anxiety due to divorce? There are many ways to cope with anxiety as you go through the process of divorce, and even after it. Here are some of them.
Write. Writing is considered a form of therapy. It helps you heal. It clears your emotions especially if you are in tremendous emotional pain. It makes you feel better when you put your thoughts and emotions in writing. You get a better perspective of what you’re going through. But it’s not helping just the mind though because writing is also proven to heal physical woes. According to a study conducted by Dr. James Pennebaker, writing helps heal ailments such as arthritis and asthma. Other studies also conclude that it heals life traumas, including abuse, abandonment, and betrayal of a loved one.
Relax or take a time off. You deserve a break. What you’re going or you’ve been through is difficult. You need to focus on yourself again and find your center. Re-assess your life. Go take a vacation where you don’t have to worry about anything else but finding a moment of peace. Clear your mind and concentrate on how you’re going to make your life better from here on.
Change your environment. This is as major as moving to a new place or state or as minor as renovating your house or simply changing your décor or furniture arrangement. Being in a place where you’re always reminded of your ex is not going to help you with your recovery or healing process. People will be asking all the time. Sometimes, it’s better if you start your life from scratch, new environment, new people. If this is not possible, the best that you can do is to repaint your house, change your décor, or rearrange your furniture. Either or all of these activities will help take your mind off the stress you’re in. It keeps you preoccupied during the process.
Be active. If you have been sedentary, it’s about time to make some lifestyle changes. Go to the gym. Walk or jog for an hour or so. Sweat your anxiety away. Engaging in physical activities is proven to ease the symptoms of anxiety. It’s a healthier way to cope with anxiety. It helps reduce anxiety and improve mood.
Hang out with family and/or friends. Get support from the people who care about you and from those whose love for you is unconditional. Being surrounded with people who understand and sympathize makes the situation bearable because with them you know that you’re not alone and that there are people who love you no matter what.
Join a support group. If you’re not comfortable pouring out your problems or emotions with people you personally know, join a group of fellow divorcees or a group that supports people going through a divorce. With them, you just don’t get sympathy but empathy as well. This is also where you learn how to manage your feelings and learn techniques on how to transition more effectively.
Get professional help. If your anxiety is just getting out of control and they’re interfering with your daily life, you should consider seeking professional help. Your doctor’s expert advice will determine if you need treatment.
No one would want their life altered, especially if it’s going to cause a major change. It can be debilitating. But if it does happen, remember that you’re not alone. Help is out there. (Professional Counseling Services click here).
About the Author: Ryan Rivera is an ex-anxiety sufferer. You can learn more about Ryan and Anxiety at