7 Reasons to Mediate

7 Reasons to Consider Mediation:

  1. Save Money – When working with Scott Baroway, you get a professional family law mediator who has over 25 years of legal experience, who is available to talk with you both, respond to your emails, and prepare all your documents usually for less than most individual lawyers charge for their retainer. Flexible pay-as-you-go payment option also avoids the need for large retainers required by law firms.
  2. Personal Attention. – You work with me and only me. You decide where we meet (at any of my 8 locations), the time we meet and the frequency of the meetings. You may also call or email me as often as you like.
  3. You Decide – You both get to choose the issues to discuss, the terms of the agreements, and the speed of the process. You are not at the mercy of the lawyers or a judge who will force a ruling on you about how you are going to handle your finances and your children.
  4. Faster finalization/divorce – Mediation works as fast as the parties desire to work. Cases can be concluded in one week including all paperwork if the parties desire to move that quickly. Then, if all the paperwork is filed at once with the court, your divorce can be finalized in as few as 91 days.
  5. Flexible scheduling – Office hours are flexible as is the location you choose to mediate at. From Boulder to Park Meadows, there is a location convenient for you.
  6. Shields the Children from your conflict. – Many court cases result in your children getting dragged into the conflict. Mediation prevents that from happening so that your children can spend their time and energy adjusting to the changes in the manner that is most comfortable for them. REMEMBER – your children’s level of success after your divorce is directly related to the degree of conflict between the parents, NOT the terms of the agreement.
  7. Creative opportunities – With the assistance of Scott Baroway, the parties have the opportunity to work through a process that is flexible to meet their needs, and develop a plan custom tailored to meet their specific situation without the confines of court system. Studies consistently show that mediated agreements have a much higher level of compliance with their terms compared with court ordered terms.